
Reunion 5 IKRAM

Venue - Mama Azlin's place
Date - March 16*
Day - Wednesday**

Tentive : (a.m.) 8.3o - grak dr umah masing2.
8.5o - tibe di rumah tcher
9.oo - mule kerja
a) tanak nasik
b) potong sayur, buah n sume yg perlu pemotongan
c) balut kentang
d) prepare pggans n cawans
e) etc.***

(p.m.) 2.oo - mule bakar2
3.oo - makan**** n formal event starts
a) ucapan mael
b) few words from our tcher azlin
c) doa slamat n doa mkan
4.oo - cabutan b'tuah (7 lucky winners)
- tukar2 hadiah
5.oo - penutup
- bersurai*****
6.oo - kemas******

* - yet to b cnfirmed
** - depends on date
*** - byk lg; sume2 lah yg perlu disiapkn
**** - afta bakar n da masak da bole start makan da snanye
***** - sape yg jaoh2 tu da boleh la blk
****** - sape2 yg dkat tu stay tlg kemas2 sume2

-pg tu tcher harap ramai la dpt dtg tlg, lg ramai lg bgus
-we need feedback people so please, do your part n tell us whether u can show up or not.
-owh n for more info n details please contact Mr. Nazrin Hamka at 0173710700
-for the time being, yes, die sorg je but soon few girls will b informd so that u may ask them too. :)

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